Wondering Prose©


Wednesday 19 June 2019

His Canvas

Primed and ready
Ideas unable to see
Beyond his canvas white
Mind's shadows quickly
Turn his canvas grey
An inner light revolts
Sending kaleidoscope waves
Across his canvas
In colours never realized

The foundation for his
Painting is born.

Edwin James

Monday 3 December 2018

She Turns

Facing the cutting wind
Eyes watering in memories
Her lips concealing a grin
Tangled in realities
She'd rather not endure
Remembering apologies
Laminated in conjecture
Levied by adversaries

Unsettling alliances whisper
Within the relentless wind
Countering reason and closure
Resisting inner sanguine
She turns her back
To the setting sun
Facing her shadow's track
Unwilling to be overrun.

Edwin James

Wednesday 25 April 2018


Knee deep in thoughts
Looking within and without
Breathing older no longer young
Tempting mind's cynicism
Willing to forget but still believe
Fantasizing over what never was
Thrashing over memories
Trapped in time.

Memories searching for answers
From decades long ago
Remaining hardened, unforgiving
Rustling in disenchanted winds
While dreams remain whole
An epitaph not quite ready
Inhaling light and darkness
Knee deep in thoughts. 

Edwin James

Monday 15 May 2017

His Shadow

Stood just outside
The light where
His legend could not
Be seen or heard
Accolades murmuring
Tributes echoing from
A Scrapbook offstage
Begging for more.

Landscape POV's
Stirring,  unfinished
Expecting closure
Resurrecting canvases
Whispering options
Redefining self-esteem
Giving rise to the Ghost
Behind the Legend.

Edwin James

Monday 17 April 2017

Her Heart 

Held her shadows
Hostage, ambiguous
Daring light's solstice
Whispering promise
Her thoughts drifting
Sensing moon's waning
Light cloaked behind
Clouds seeding rain.

There was never a time
When she didn't believe
When she did not mind
Life's haunting reprieve.

Her darkness whispered
Solitude shouldering no
Blame or censure
Her heart consenting
Never forgetting taking
Those final steps
Against change into
A light without promise.

Edwin James

Monday 16 January 2017

Thoughts Rushing

Moving past fatal attractions
Bridges too far, closed
Winter's face eroding, siphons
Memories curtailed, disposed

Darkness looming in her heart
Seeking refuge behind shadows
Remaining afloat, moving apart
Tossing aside mind-castles

Never wanting, caring not
Perhaps misjudged, not knowing
Appearing not so distraught
Misguided intentions, far reaching

Mind's quiver fading, unimpressed
Heart's thunder not to be outdone
No longer feeling quite obsessed
While lurking memories hearken.

Edwin James


Friday 5 August 2016

The Air

Cold to his heart
Biting memories prey
Harbouring hellhounds
Lurking begging to stay

Flashbacks hovering
Blocking hope's way
Never really knowing
Turning, looking away

Alone on his boardwalk
Confessions in disarray
Tempting wind's nerve
Escaping beyond the bay

Wintry musings account
When drink went astray
Never caring or accepting
Staggering from day to day

His cohorts willing, nearby
Many having moved away
Wayward spirits ease his pain
Drowning fears wanting to play

Reflections fading out to sea
Never caring for his dismay
Stubborn unmoved by tears 
Unable to change or weigh.

Edwin James