Wondering Prose©


Monday 30 December 2013

Spring Snow

Nowhere to be
Found this early
Ski planned morning

Disappointed sets in
Rattled, upset, cheated
By last night's snowfall
Forecast by cable's
Weekend weatherman

Working at scale
Unable to ski weekends
This was his therapeutic
Revenge hitting back
At skier's eagerness and
Fervor for the slopes
  Promising heavy snowfall
For all local ski resorts

Tonight's low he
Declared will bring
Heavy snowfall by

Morning's early light
Relishing in anticipation
His x-girlfriend's love for

The ski slopes, keeping
Them distant and apart.

Edwin James


Friday 27 December 2013


A great new year full
Of promises, never
To be kept, in a world
Unable to defeat
Corruption's will

 A world controlled
By a mighty few
Armed in numbered
Accounts, feeding 

War's might against
All those who oppose
Distorting gospels truth 
Hyperbolizing goodwill's

Intent, while satisfying
And empowering their 
Hunger games appetite
Happy New Year!

Edwin James



Wednesday 25 December 2013

A New Dawn

Crying out
Just like yesterday
A hellish carbon copy
Lurking behind
A cracked facade
Painted in delirium
Deprived of semblance,
Harmony, world peace
Searing in hatred
Courting heartless

Runaway hopes
Scorned, defaced
Betrayed, cry out
Like the morning dawn
Seeking faith's light
  Resurrecting prophecies
Sacred and undaunted
Devoid from all
Suffering, pain

Poverty, hunger and
Contempt while
A surly carpetbagger

Is re-selling dawns early
Early crusading light.  

Edwin James


Monday 23 December 2013

Mystic Bowls 

Whisper resonating
In A turning into
F sounds shifting
To E then G are
Close behind
C and D now
Reverberate through
His deep subconsciousness
An overdue life changing
Healing session
Is now well underway

Vibrations from his
Soul increases while
Listening to the 
Frequencies uplifting
Rhythmic flows liking
To none ever felt
His mind relaxed
Drifting wondering

Relaxed confident
This gentle mindfullness
Leads to a deep
Spiritual awakening
A gift from those
Who came before
Unassuming always

Edwin James


Friday 20 December 2013

I Could Hear

A blue jay singing
Caressing my blues away
Uplifting my wildest
Dreams, remembering

Greek goddess Moira's
Psalm, a gospel held close
By Time eternal, not always
Understood or believed

Where heart's inner faith
Is treasured, protected by
Universe's nourishing womb
And caring loving light

Embarking on a new
Journey, whistling away
Harmonizing, left 
Wondering, enamored 

By this blue jay

Edwin James


Wednesday 18 December 2013

Turning Winds

Dawn breaking
The coast line ebbing
Rippling water washes
Over her swollen feet

Tearing anguish rolls
From her brown eyes
Life's fate has just
Taught her a lesson

With hope no longer
In reach promises 
Meaningless her mind
Crashing wave-less

She closes her eyes
Then opens them to
A golden horizon
And simply let's go.

Edwin James


Monday 16 December 2013

400 Miles Away

From the past
A measure never truly
Realized keeps her
Sorrow at bay

Cold and lost
She knows what
She did can
Never be undone

She moves over
To a park swing
Singing her
Guilt away

"I never said
That I loved you
Or could ever wed
My heart dark and blue"

Her essence unwilling
Unable to realize love .

Edwin James


Friday 13 December 2013

A Gentle Breeze

Blew across her face
A gleaming promise
Better days ahead
Without deception
Days where shadows
Could be believed
Forever shutting
Despair's door

All she ever wanted
Was a chance to prove
To her inner most self
Restoring her faith
Mindfully walking while
Stomping on shadows past
Though very fragile
With eyes wide-open
She clutches onto her
Trusted inner-self.

Edwin James


Wednesday 11 December 2013

Rap-ity Crap

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Let's put to bed
These silly rues

Rhyme is okay
For song and dance
Let's not fall prey
To false romance

Limericks gone wayward
Contrived in pretense
Unassertive quite absurd 
Making little sense

Raging out of control
Let me be square
In a round hole
Compelled to dare.

Edwin James



Monday 9 December 2013

Mystic Drums

Echo from a 
Time when his
Being was that
Of another he
Closes his eyes
Not sure why
Or for how long
Never wanting

A falcon soars
Into his vision the
Beating of the drums
Numb his senses

Unnerved trusting
Turning clairvoyant
Spellbound resonating

Inhaling the soothing
Reverberating sounds
Of the mystic drums
With each new breath
In the moment
Having no future
Past or reason
For being someone

Other than himself

Edwin James


Friday 6 December 2013

A Naked Canvas

Stands ready by
Window's fading light
It's promise unrealized
Haunted by an
Undermining dream
Keeping his will at
Bay, stealing his 
Inspiration's dream

Suspended, warped by
 Time, blurring his
Canvas, cloaked in
Darkness, when yet another
Spark hovers overhead
 Roaming through shadows
Transient, gnawing away
At his vulnerability.

Edwin James


Wednesday 4 December 2013

Rise Up

Friend your path
Clear for take-off
No longer bound
By guilt or time
 No longer held
In contempt by
In self doubt

 This is your time
To gainfully soar
Creating belief where
None dared or willed
Empowering entrusting
That gut feeling
The reality you
Promised yourself
So long ago.

Edwin James


Monday 2 December 2013

My Lips

Touched her longing soul
Wandering spirits reunited
Whisked by destinies spark
Protected by karma's

Our souls once
Challenged, thrown
Against prevailing winds
Streaming, beckoning

Gilded by a forgotten
History not of this
Time, two wanting souls
Reunited by breath's

Edwin James


Friday 29 November 2013

His Reality

Slipping, deteriorating
His mind hyperbolic
Illusive, agitated
Not to be trusted
 Distortions weave
Precariously at will
Concealing his goals

Tossing out his life's

His dreams harnessed
By night's contempt
No longer ready to
Conquer his demons
Forever bound by
Time's Myth Keeper
Dangling hope's key
Hiding behind fear's
Edwin James



Wednesday 27 November 2013

Two Old Friends

Walking, unconcerned
Reticent, caught in a downpour
Cherishing only each other
Ignoring night's rain
Its prowess hailing
Thunder and lightning
 Crackle across nights sky
Masking moon's solstice

Their hopes and dreams 
Lie in wait, anxious
Above lightning shadows
Cast this rainy night.

Edwin James


Monday 25 November 2013

So here I find

Myself writing yet
Another poetry blog
But why - where is
This all leading
Should I even
Care or need to
Rationalize its
Poetic justice

Perhaps I am
Transcending or
Dreaming unable
To comprehend
Ascertain Hope's
Vulnerability remaining
Cognitive to what
Can still be.

Edwin James


Friday 22 November 2013

Welcome to my poetry blog... 

  Entrusting our existence.

Edwin James
