Wondering Prose©


Friday 29 November 2013

His Reality

Slipping, deteriorating
His mind hyperbolic
Illusive, agitated
Not to be trusted
 Distortions weave
Precariously at will
Concealing his goals

Tossing out his life's

His dreams harnessed
By night's contempt
No longer ready to
Conquer his demons
Forever bound by
Time's Myth Keeper
Dangling hope's key
Hiding behind fear's
Edwin James



Wednesday 27 November 2013

Two Old Friends

Walking, unconcerned
Reticent, caught in a downpour
Cherishing only each other
Ignoring night's rain
Its prowess hailing
Thunder and lightning
 Crackle across nights sky
Masking moon's solstice

Their hopes and dreams 
Lie in wait, anxious
Above lightning shadows
Cast this rainy night.

Edwin James


Monday 25 November 2013

So here I find

Myself writing yet
Another poetry blog
But why - where is
This all leading
Should I even
Care or need to
Rationalize its
Poetic justice

Perhaps I am
Transcending or
Dreaming unable
To comprehend
Ascertain Hope's
Vulnerability remaining
Cognitive to what
Can still be.

Edwin James


Friday 22 November 2013

Welcome to my poetry blog... 

  Entrusting our existence.

Edwin James
