Wondering Prose©


Monday 27 January 2014

Painted Strokes

Stimulated by my mind's
Canvas, deliberate at times
Every so often unexpected
Consciously undetected

A discerning freedom
Fencing off delirium 
Undaunted, unassuming
Eagerly looming

 A welcoming redemption
A delightful opus infusion
 A poetic streaming rainbow 
A collective heart and soul

Avoiding pretentious rhymes
Difficult at best of times
Never sought or believed
 Poetic injustice never conceived

Stretching my imagination
Unafraid, kaleidoscope in vision
  Registered over soul's gravity
Its ethos derived naturally.

Edwin James


Thursday 23 January 2014

Random Thoughts

Stirring, burning
Inside his head
Ideas refueling
Randomly multiplying 

Thoughts heightened
Merging, provoking
A spark ignites
Bursting into hues

Impetuous, forthcoming
Devoid of intimidation
Fantasies cascading, a
Wondrous journey unfurling

Kaleidoscope patterns
Illuminating, highlighting
A foundation for his
New painting.

Edwin James



Tuesday 21 January 2014

Hopes Promise

Nowhere in sight, feeling
Irrelevant, behaving miserably
Out of gas, he sits down
On his lifeless wooden bench

Overlooking stormy seas
Waves roaring, crashing
His mind broken, without spirit
His aspirations failing

Left to wonder, hanging on
By a thread,  his dream's
Vision captured, netted by
By ego's inhaling current

An unwanted shifting tide
Calamitous, piercing
Suffocating, dragging
His world out to sea.

Edwin James


Friday 17 January 2014

His Mind Numb

Flickering while
Musing shadows dance
In front of a light
Submerged in trance

Uncommon to logic
Testing his sanity
Challenging his dream
Abilities with every

Shadows inward turn
Drifting, transcending
A mindset unrealized
By hope's illusion.

Edwin James


Wednesday 15 January 2014

Whispering Sunsets

Remembered, unyielding
Nourished by the
Winds spent from
Seasons long ago

Distant ashes set
Aglow, responding to
Echoing memories
Taking over her soul

Chilled by the last
Gasp of sunlight 
Conceding, letting to
Naked and alone

As days last light
Surrenders, leaving her
Heart with memories
Not of this night.

Edwin James


Wednesday 8 January 2014


Tibetan bowls 
Diminishing ego's hold
Uplifting, spiritual
Mind's gravity probing
Arresting, captivating
Healing, adjusting
Never doubting
Questioning, simply
Letting go, rising
Above each rung
Breathing deeply
Over sonic rhythms
Vibrating, transcending
Ringing whole, a
Revelation wakens
Naked, unrehearsed

Edwin James


Friday 3 January 2014

She Whispered 

Gently into his ear
A promise that 
Could be believed
Perhaps for the

First time, he felt
Her need for him 
To believe maybe
Just this once

A chance, glimmering in
Her heart, without guilt
Shame or mistrust
She holds out her hand

Boldly taking back
Her life from hurt
Anger and doubt, no
Longer tormented by

What was, what went
Wrong for the longest
Time, no longer longing
Or wanting to remember.

Edwin James


Wednesday 1 January 2014

Another Year Fades

Just as guilty 
As the year before
Begging for charity's
Unconditional forgiveness

While asserting the very
Same hopes, dreams and
Promises, sounding
Convincingly anew

Still staggering from last
Year's resolutions, this
Time failure is not an option
Hell bent, unwavering

Consummated by hope's
Relished goals, another
 Year cries out, sinking under
New Year's pledging light.

Edwin James
