Wondering Prose©


Friday 28 March 2014


By her
Easing radiance
Touching his soul
Captivating his heart
Allowing himself to
Forget what was
Never meant to
Be, no longer
Fueling his mind

He begins to trust
Believing in her
Song a ballad
Trumpeting sorrow
Offering hope where
There was none
Allowing his dreams
To become again

Edwin James


Tuesday 25 March 2014


Crashing hard
Pounding endlessly
Drowning his confidence
Immersing his soul

Stormy seas
Rising, surging
Against his will
Choking, smothering

Having believed in 
Ego's promise
Now swimming in
Skepticism, apathy

Rising currents churning
His dream adventures
Feverishly drowning in
Fate's undertow

His nightmare continues
Arresting morning light
Eclipsing his courage
Holding back his tears.

Edwin James


Friday 21 March 2014


Off her feet
Held breathless by his
 Open gentle touch
Captivated by his charm
Her heart swimming
His radiance relentless
A glimmer of hope
Capturing her heart's
Desires and needs

A subtle mind-meld
Willingly engaged
His unspoken word
Unleashing her willingness
Yearning, craving for more
Wanton wavelengths
Streaming, perspiring
Cradled in his afterglows

Edwin James

Taken Back

He tried not to care
Fighting off memories
Running widely
Throbbing so deep

Best to move on
He whispered turning
His heart away
From his loss

He raises
His heavy heart
Skyward realizing
For the first time

His feelings though
Broken by her
Heartless inaction's
Was really just an

Ineptness on her
Part unable to
Care or see beyond
Her own light.

Edwin James


Wednesday 19 March 2014

Winter Winds

Came often nipping
At his self-esteem
Unable to cope
Wondering why
His mind froze
Buried alive in
Such an unsympathetic

Helpless, defenseless
His hopes and dreams
Shivering in fear, having
Altered his soul's intent
Vexed, impotent
His ego cried out

Nobody could hear
His frigid heart.

Edwin James


Monday 17 March 2014

Simply Said

His mind harvested
Wondrous gentle
Thoughts, unhindered

Without effort
Caring, never harming
Those he cherished

Those who could
 Not reciprocate
Or understand his

Way of life, his
Heart and Spirit
In unison, never

Edwin James


Thursday 13 March 2014


She cries no more
Her faith amour
Turning inward
 No longer outward

She is free
Able to just be
Willing to dare
And still care

Once drudged
No longer misjudged
By those otherwise
Revealing her disguise

To be nothing more
Than an abandoned door
Her heart's emotions clear
Giving no longer to fear.

Edwin James



Monday 10 March 2014

Her Mind

Caught in a turbulent
Windstorm, tugging at
Her emotions vertigo
Spinning, pleading with
Daunting memories
Each new breath
Renovating a past
Tired of being
Having had enough
She closes her
Eyes, her heart
Turns inward
Finally able to
Let go and
Care no more.

Edwin James



Wednesday 5 March 2014

Did Time Stop

Or did his mind
Just wander off, listening
To voices buried deep in
Temporal shadows

He tries turning his vision
Inward, suspending his
His painter's block hold
And waits for an answer
Concepts stagger, topple
Abstracts collide, splinter 
Smoldering into obscurity
Unable to cope, imagine

Or comprehend, disgusted
He walks away, slamming
Shut his artist studio door
Leaving behind his
Soul's convictions 

A cadmium blue jar
Moans, while his canvas 
Turns outward, begging
To be heard.

Edwin James
