Wondering Prose©


Monday 23 June 2014


Meandering dreams
Believed to be
Only dreams
Cascade uninterrupted
Without concern
Stealing reality, holding
Perceptions at bay
Looming, hiding

Unable to wake
Overhauled, spent
Thoughts conversing
Without consent
Holding court
Under false pretense
Conniving, forbidding
Hope's will.

Edwin James



Monday 16 June 2014


His mind wanes
No longer in chains
What I am is who I am
A tempered man
Following his dreams
A confidence gleams
His mind immersed
No longer cursed

Once held captive by time
Now versed in rhyme
No longer tarnished
By tattoos banished
Within hallow crevices
Or by altering sketches
His mind reset ready
Unafraid or in a hurry.

Edwin James


Wednesday 4 June 2014

Overburden Wind

The wind unfurled
Down the winding
Road without colour
Its breath fatigued
Ruptured over time
Blinded by desert storms
Devastated by hurricanes
Withered, parched in
Drought bearing
Sadness, hopelessness

Yet this same wind has
Witnessed the warmth
Of friends and victory
Bringing hope where
There was none, a
Wind without incident
A caring breeze without
Suffering, prejudice, a
Bitter-sweet wind
Inhaling our Fate.

Edwin James
