Wondering Prose©


Wednesday 29 October 2014

A Warrior's Spirit

Washed ashore
A life on parole
Skewed in thoughts
Lost in bouts
Brewing over time
No longer sublime
A struggling soul
No longer whole
Left for dead
A resolve misled
Landing on a shore
Not really sure
How to face
Agony's disgrace.

Edwin James


Friday 24 October 2014

In memory of John Lennon 
Goo Goo Ga-joob

Escaping, running naked
Gleefully transparent
Mind altering, amplified
Mind addictions streaming
Mind control overwhelming

Flying over 8 miles high
Inhaling numbing potions
 Willfully melding perceptions
Departing in a Magic Bus
Realities turning inside out

Feelings mushrooming
Tricking reason's destiny
Gravity wavering, lifting
Intuition's soul rising
Eyes questioning

Eight days a week
Goo, goo

Edwin James


Wednesday 8 October 2014

A Different Voice

Sounding appealingly
Resonate, stirring
Deep within his
Wavering mind
Esoteric in nature
His present reality
Unprepared, vulnerable
Left exposed as a
Heretic drowning,
Sinking in his reality's
Ineptness, unable to
Turn off this
Enslaving, soothing voice
So inviting, so tempting
So indicative, able to
Levitate him on a course

That was never his or
Wanted, a charismatic voice
Challenging his existence
Sounding victory.

Edwin James


Monday 6 October 2014


Never fully at ease
Postulated by time
Unable to please
No longer in her prime
She stares through lenses
Smeared by fate's hand

Her heart bleeding ashes
Not able to understand
Clutching onto a life
Only imagined in dreams
Believing she was a good wife
Led by deceiving daydreams

Cut-off from reality
In angst she cries out
Contorting an inept plea
Left haunted in doubt
Unable to care no more
Morphing into darkness.

Edwin James



Friday 3 October 2014

His Mind

Left hanging
By thoughts 
Buried within
Nagging dreams 
Unmasked by 
Shadows impervious

Just another night
Like always, unnerving
Lost in darkness
Unable to separate
Reality from Dream
Everything remains the

Edwin James


Wednesday 1 October 2014


Meant for another day
Murmuring, creating chaos
Where none existed
Wary he tries clearing
If only temporarily
Inching away from the
Clamoring, ranting abuse
Controlling his judgement

Uninvited sound bites
Ump, abduct his intent
Curving his readiness
Curtailing his reach for
Semblance and insight
Sensing a way out he
Eludes back to the present
Excluding all other voices.

Edwin James
