Wondering Prose©


Tuesday 20 October 2015

The Day

Started like any other day
Not too sure which way
To face the wind
Teasing my thick skin

Looking out at sea
A tide ebbing gleefully
Having spent the day
Filling this beckoning bay

Walking the shoreline
Looking for a sign
Among broken seashells 
My mind quells

Doodling for answers
Breaking down borders
Animated by ghostly fear
Stretching beyond the pier

An unknown horizon, empty
Needing no quarry or plea
Daydreams sailing away
Just like every other day.

Edwin James


Thursday 24 September 2015

The Mind Wanders

Weaving in and out
At times vague
Teasing illusions
Drifting somewhere
Harbouring posibbilities
Seeking myths promise
Remembering journeys
Fading, unrealized

Fossilized verses
Ancient hieroglyphics
No longer understood
Or believed

Transcending at 432hz
Though not really
Knowing why or how
Pretending, suspended

Memories shuffled
Spirit ready, craving
Shadows giving way
Cast another dream.

Edwin James



Wednesday 19 August 2015

The Sun

Did not set on time
Suspended, wavering
Over a horizon holding
Light's last breath

While shadows lurk
Cornering dusk's light
Whisper louder, stealing
Light's embrace

While wolves wait
Ready to prey
Under a blue moon's
Shrinking hold

Perceptions slipping away
Deceiving illusions trust
Howling winds enter in
The night's crypt.

Edwin James


Monday 13 July 2015


Along a roadside
Familiar yet almost
Lost, the ground
Beneath my feet
Lifting fond memories
Not quite ready to
Abandoned, reliving
Scenes in time
When priorities meant
Little, daring to be
Different was everything
Especially in front of
Your steady girl - you know
The one you someday marry
An infatuation replaced
By another, then another
Brings a smile to my face
Worn by time's subtle
Reprise, teasing
My shadow's growth
Tangled in re-runs
That can no longer be
Re-lived, echo undeniably
Down this road, a journey
Never quite finished.

Edwin James


Monday 8 June 2015


Pushing rainbows
Peripheral limits
Pseudo reality's
Twisted fate's

Loafing insolence
Connecting self
Under daunting
Pissing away

Ruined hopes
Suffering alone
Pondering moves
Moral's Compass

Edwin James



Wednesday 6 May 2015

Rainbows through her
Mind, catching sun rays
Washing her hands
Understanding her worth
Sinking toes in grass
Moist, full of vigor

Her heart full
Her mind content
Stopping only to
Catch a butterfly's
Dream, redefining her
Beauty and desires
Collected from an
Endless stream, building
A castle in the clouds
Giddy and free.

Edwin James


Tuesday 28 April 2015

The Darkeness

Beneath her skin
Was slowly ebbing
Fading, revealing
Her innocence

Tracing her pulse
Deep into the night
She realizes her
Downfall, her collapse

A Deception believed
 Disguised in hues
Seducing her will's

A decaying energy
Driven by mistrust
Fusing doubts into
A deformed reality

That was never hers
Quivers in the dark
Unable to resist 
This promising light.

Edwin James



Thursday 16 April 2015

Horizon's Light

Kindles under
Dawn's coral skin
And crimson sunsets
Streaming day's events

Destiny stemming
Between light and dark
Infusing Fate, quantifying
Mankind's latest patriarch

Another halftime show
Staging day's delirium
Chasing night's fresco
A painted pseudonym

Disguised in harmony
Or masked in terror
Ending light's journey
Welcoming night's author.

Edwin James



Monday 13 April 2015

From Time
Tip-toed across the
Lines of her face
Washing away times
Best left unanswered
Forgotten, breathing
Only this moment in
She turned to face
The wind morphing
Each moment of her
Life into a soothing
Flashback, each frame
Golden, feeling the love
Captured through the
Lifting her faith
Affirming her life
Choices, her efforts
Fully realized her
Happiness succumed
Only by her heart's
Desire to never

Edwin James


Tuesday 31 March 2015

Stood still again
Caught transcending behind
A cross wind, streaming
Ebbing, forging memories
Caring not about anything
And yet everything 

Suspended, cradled in a
Wisdom not always believed
Or understood, its reason
For being was enough
Savouring only that which
Could be attainable
Slipping away from
Darkness into a light
Brimming in innocence
Glowing with confidence
Discerning morals elevating
Compassion's will

A mind pendulum 
Finding its balance.

Edwin James



Tuesday 24 March 2015


Of wizardry carried
Her thoughts without
Any warning unable
to comprehend or
Give direction

Never one to dare
Her journey was hers
And hers alone
Tangled in illusions
Serpentine mysticism

Transcending into a
Corner of her mind
Left ignored till now
Inhaling its freedom
Hitching a ride

On a sinking dream
Standing on the shores
Of a reveling imposter
Lying in wait, a
Time to dare .

Edwin James


Monday 16 March 2015

The Night

Offered little hope
He knew where his fate
Sold out, unable to cope
His timing never that great

Drifting, his heart yearning
Feeling the weight burning
Bending his dreams, baiting
Daring, no longer caring

Collapsing before his time
Left to defend, rescue
Shadows teasing in mime
Colours tainted untrue

Flaking before him, fading
Gasping, life's meaning
Robbing motives murmuring
Taunting illusions ribbing

An epoch calamity
Begging for amnesty.

Edwin James


Thursday 5 March 2015

Moon's Gravity

Casting light over
Shadows brooding in
Camp darkness, offering
An escape, a retreat
From fates hand
Rattling his inept
World cuddled in
Fear and doubt, he
Begins breathing in
Moon's elusive light
Redefining memories 
Lost in canyons built
So long ago, once
Crushed rise again
Riding on the back
Of moon's fervor
Far from Hell's Gate
Having buried his
Soul in nightmares
For too long, his
Escape waits, believed 
Breaking loose, eclipsing
Darkness' grip.
Edwin James


Tuesday 24 February 2015


Burrowed deep into
Her heart fermenting
In a souring, pitiful
Relationship, wrangled in
Friction and spite
Bruised, repulsed and
Oh so tired, it was time
To realize, take back
Caring not of threats
From an exhausting 
And foreboding lover
She has had enough
No longer wanting
Only for herself

She reaches skyward
Grabbing sunlight's promise
Pledging never again to
Expose her vulnerabilities, 
Forever sealing her
Affections from luring
And engaging winds.

Edwin James


Wednesday 11 February 2015


Cutting across time's
Breath, an innocence
Tormented, moves tepidly
Fragmenting possibilities
Escaping tunnel's light

Deducing times sooner
Forgotten, abandoned
Exhaling breath's dilemma
While leaning against
Withering faux shadows
Lingering, crawling behind
A whispering sable brush
Never willing to surrender
It's cognizance, relentless
Focusing only on the light

Never knowing for sure
WHERE this painting should
End, shadowing against a
Landscape still not
Realized, conquered.

Edwin James


Wednesday 4 February 2015

Light Dances

Across my fingers
Illuminating my strokes
Swirling bravely, freely
Over my playful canvas
Dodging faux shadows
Always there teasing
Mocking, foreboding
Challenging light's

I remain tentative
Inhaling light's promise
Measuring colour values
Brimming in artful fusion
A palette flourishing
Contours revealing
Fulfilling a mind quest
Never before ventured
A landscape spreading
Deliberately, effortlessly
Unmasked, never before
Considered or realized.

Edwin James


Wednesday 28 January 2015

In His Darkness

Shadows begin fading
As doubts hold
Rescinds behind a
Curtain weaved from
Nightfall's embrace
Offering a promise
A twilight into his
Past, once ventured
Eclipsing his delimna
A forgotten pledge
An intrepid dream
Streaming its might
 A covenant etched in
A solitude only his
Heart could understand.

Edwin James


Wednesday 21 January 2015

A Winter's Chill
Bites at her lip
Unable to grip
Thoughts facing
A wind chasing
 Under wintery skies
A shadow in disguise
Creeping slowly behind
Seeking the maligned

Memories freezing
Under breaths capsizing
Suffocating in defeat
Unable to grasp, repeat
Her goals zigzagging
A heart still clinging
To an inflicted hell
Having no one to tell.

Edwin James



Friday 9 January 2015

Je Suis Charlie

Our Drawings speak as one
Mocking global injustices
Most would never pen
Our shock and awe
Never deters even by
Threats consequence

Determined, unaffected by
Religious hate cries
From disturbed fanatics
Demented in beliefs
Garnished in vengeance
Caustic sworn assassins

Charlie's courage is shatterproof
Our strokes remain unaltered
Boundaries unacceptable
Our resolve hardened
In their memory, unified
Till our last brush stroke

Nous Sommes Charlie.

Edwin James


Monday 5 January 2015

Her Faith

Did not foresee
Or pretend to know
Her heart cindering
Burning in ashes

Her fears realized
Having lost all desire
A whispering voice burns
Mocking her faith's

Caring not, her nerve
Eclipsed by fate's hand
Disgusted and angry
She no longer feels or

She raises her
Wine glass, mocking
Her inability to fully
Recognize, left alone

She mutters softly
"My life is but a leaf
Withering surely crumbling
Worn out by faith's retreating

Edwin James
