Wondering Prose©


Wednesday 28 January 2015

In His Darkness

Shadows begin fading
As doubts hold
Rescinds behind a
Curtain weaved from
Nightfall's embrace
Offering a promise
A twilight into his
Past, once ventured
Eclipsing his delimna
A forgotten pledge
An intrepid dream
Streaming its might
 A covenant etched in
A solitude only his
Heart could understand.

Edwin James


Wednesday 21 January 2015

A Winter's Chill
Bites at her lip
Unable to grip
Thoughts facing
A wind chasing
 Under wintery skies
A shadow in disguise
Creeping slowly behind
Seeking the maligned

Memories freezing
Under breaths capsizing
Suffocating in defeat
Unable to grasp, repeat
Her goals zigzagging
A heart still clinging
To an inflicted hell
Having no one to tell.

Edwin James



Friday 9 January 2015

Je Suis Charlie

Our Drawings speak as one
Mocking global injustices
Most would never pen
Our shock and awe
Never deters even by
Threats consequence

Determined, unaffected by
Religious hate cries
From disturbed fanatics
Demented in beliefs
Garnished in vengeance
Caustic sworn assassins

Charlie's courage is shatterproof
Our strokes remain unaltered
Boundaries unacceptable
Our resolve hardened
In their memory, unified
Till our last brush stroke

Nous Sommes Charlie.

Edwin James


Monday 5 January 2015

Her Faith

Did not foresee
Or pretend to know
Her heart cindering
Burning in ashes

Her fears realized
Having lost all desire
A whispering voice burns
Mocking her faith's

Caring not, her nerve
Eclipsed by fate's hand
Disgusted and angry
She no longer feels or

She raises her
Wine glass, mocking
Her inability to fully
Recognize, left alone

She mutters softly
"My life is but a leaf
Withering surely crumbling
Worn out by faith's retreating

Edwin James
