Wondering Prose©


Tuesday 24 February 2015


Burrowed deep into
Her heart fermenting
In a souring, pitiful
Relationship, wrangled in
Friction and spite
Bruised, repulsed and
Oh so tired, it was time
To realize, take back
Caring not of threats
From an exhausting 
And foreboding lover
She has had enough
No longer wanting
Only for herself

She reaches skyward
Grabbing sunlight's promise
Pledging never again to
Expose her vulnerabilities, 
Forever sealing her
Affections from luring
And engaging winds.

Edwin James


Wednesday 11 February 2015


Cutting across time's
Breath, an innocence
Tormented, moves tepidly
Fragmenting possibilities
Escaping tunnel's light

Deducing times sooner
Forgotten, abandoned
Exhaling breath's dilemma
While leaning against
Withering faux shadows
Lingering, crawling behind
A whispering sable brush
Never willing to surrender
It's cognizance, relentless
Focusing only on the light

Never knowing for sure
WHERE this painting should
End, shadowing against a
Landscape still not
Realized, conquered.

Edwin James


Wednesday 4 February 2015

Light Dances

Across my fingers
Illuminating my strokes
Swirling bravely, freely
Over my playful canvas
Dodging faux shadows
Always there teasing
Mocking, foreboding
Challenging light's

I remain tentative
Inhaling light's promise
Measuring colour values
Brimming in artful fusion
A palette flourishing
Contours revealing
Fulfilling a mind quest
Never before ventured
A landscape spreading
Deliberately, effortlessly
Unmasked, never before
Considered or realized.

Edwin James
