Wondering Prose©


Tuesday 31 March 2015

Stood still again
Caught transcending behind
A cross wind, streaming
Ebbing, forging memories
Caring not about anything
And yet everything 

Suspended, cradled in a
Wisdom not always believed
Or understood, its reason
For being was enough
Savouring only that which
Could be attainable
Slipping away from
Darkness into a light
Brimming in innocence
Glowing with confidence
Discerning morals elevating
Compassion's will

A mind pendulum 
Finding its balance.

Edwin James



Tuesday 24 March 2015


Of wizardry carried
Her thoughts without
Any warning unable
to comprehend or
Give direction

Never one to dare
Her journey was hers
And hers alone
Tangled in illusions
Serpentine mysticism

Transcending into a
Corner of her mind
Left ignored till now
Inhaling its freedom
Hitching a ride

On a sinking dream
Standing on the shores
Of a reveling imposter
Lying in wait, a
Time to dare .

Edwin James


Monday 16 March 2015

The Night

Offered little hope
He knew where his fate
Sold out, unable to cope
His timing never that great

Drifting, his heart yearning
Feeling the weight burning
Bending his dreams, baiting
Daring, no longer caring

Collapsing before his time
Left to defend, rescue
Shadows teasing in mime
Colours tainted untrue

Flaking before him, fading
Gasping, life's meaning
Robbing motives murmuring
Taunting illusions ribbing

An epoch calamity
Begging for amnesty.

Edwin James


Thursday 5 March 2015

Moon's Gravity

Casting light over
Shadows brooding in
Camp darkness, offering
An escape, a retreat
From fates hand
Rattling his inept
World cuddled in
Fear and doubt, he
Begins breathing in
Moon's elusive light
Redefining memories 
Lost in canyons built
So long ago, once
Crushed rise again
Riding on the back
Of moon's fervor
Far from Hell's Gate
Having buried his
Soul in nightmares
For too long, his
Escape waits, believed 
Breaking loose, eclipsing
Darkness' grip.
Edwin James