Wondering Prose©


Tuesday 28 April 2015

The Darkeness

Beneath her skin
Was slowly ebbing
Fading, revealing
Her innocence

Tracing her pulse
Deep into the night
She realizes her
Downfall, her collapse

A Deception believed
 Disguised in hues
Seducing her will's

A decaying energy
Driven by mistrust
Fusing doubts into
A deformed reality

That was never hers
Quivers in the dark
Unable to resist 
This promising light.

Edwin James



Thursday 16 April 2015

Horizon's Light

Kindles under
Dawn's coral skin
And crimson sunsets
Streaming day's events

Destiny stemming
Between light and dark
Infusing Fate, quantifying
Mankind's latest patriarch

Another halftime show
Staging day's delirium
Chasing night's fresco
A painted pseudonym

Disguised in harmony
Or masked in terror
Ending light's journey
Welcoming night's author.

Edwin James



Monday 13 April 2015

From Time
Tip-toed across the
Lines of her face
Washing away times
Best left unanswered
Forgotten, breathing
Only this moment in
She turned to face
The wind morphing
Each moment of her
Life into a soothing
Flashback, each frame
Golden, feeling the love
Captured through the
Lifting her faith
Affirming her life
Choices, her efforts
Fully realized her
Happiness succumed
Only by her heart's
Desire to never

Edwin James
