Wondering Prose©


Friday 5 August 2016

The Air

Cold to his heart
Biting memories prey
Harbouring hellhounds
Lurking begging to stay

Flashbacks hovering
Blocking hope's way
Never really knowing
Turning, looking away

Alone on his boardwalk
Confessions in disarray
Tempting wind's nerve
Escaping beyond the bay

Wintry musings account
When drink went astray
Never caring or accepting
Staggering from day to day

His cohorts willing, nearby
Many having moved away
Wayward spirits ease his pain
Drowning fears wanting to play

Reflections fading out to sea
Never caring for his dismay
Stubborn unmoved by tears 
Unable to change or weigh.

Edwin James

Monday 11 July 2016


Stood quietly in her corner
Waiting for its release
Recovering from a loss
In humility amidst anger
She was walking away
Erasing those memories
That claimed her heart
On this her birthday

Wishing then erasing
Her credulous will farewell
Clutching her tired soul
Intransitively she moves
Inward, eclipsing years
Gone adrift, now poised
Ready to take that chance
Resisting doubt's fears.

She blows out her candles
Extinguishing her specters.

Edwin James

Wednesday 22 June 2016

Sun Rays

Highlight his allusions
Seizing his artful way
Thoughts play havoc
Rewriting predictions
Crafted during his heyday
An art form out of luck

An ego garnished in pain
Beneath a burnished sky
Another fornicating day
Elusive unable to ascertain
Losing his vision's eye
Recasting his screenplay

Unable to fully justify
Self-pity offers escape
Amid gossip's foul play
A waiting memento mori 
Encrypts his mindscape
Altering again his endplay

While his heart cry's out
Against incoming frauds
Fathoming a better way
Realizing maybe a way out
Re-shuffling Fate's odds
Hanging on a sunny day.

Edwin James

Friday 10 June 2016


In the middle of the day
Standing in front of a glass
Mirror, looking deep into
Her dreams passageway

Illusions abound playfully
Shadows creep across her
Lucid dreams desires, she
Inhales inward, in no hurry

A condescending serpentine
Whispers across her dream's
Promise, vanguard rainbows
Dodging many a fatal scene

A picture window shielding
Her every naked conception
A kindred porthole set a fire
Her breath and heart reuniting.

Edwin James


Wednesday 20 April 2016

The Light

Moves daringly across her
Darkened canvas, looking
For a way in, a sublime light
Undefined, lurking in an
Animated, evasive twilight

Undeterred, an inner spark
Alluding rationale, awakens
Her crimson brush, offering
Resolve to her moot canvas
Its purpose realized,

An artful virtuoso dancing 
In delightful bold hues
Offering measured light and
Shape, validating her soul's
Aspirations, yearning, no longer
Bound in self doubt, set

Edwin James


Monday 4 January 2016

His Immediacy

Misjudged and laughed
To be nothing more
Than a spot on this wall
Framed in memories
Laminated in timeless hues
Challenges painted, now
Tearing  in blistered paint
Weathered by fame

A wall where he hung
His soul, primed in gesso
Stretched over a canvas
Innocent and unprovoked
A tender poetic sinew
Harbouring his realization
Defining his innate existence
Never quite found or lost.

Edwin James