Wondering Prose©


Monday 15 May 2017

His Shadow

Stood just outside
The light where
His legend could not
Be seen or heard
Accolades murmuring
Tributes echoing from
A Scrapbook offstage
Begging for more.

Landscape POV's
Stirring,  unfinished
Expecting closure
Resurrecting canvases
Whispering options
Redefining self-esteem
Giving rise to the Ghost
Behind the Legend.

Edwin James

Monday 17 April 2017

Her Heart 

Held her shadows
Hostage, ambiguous
Daring light's solstice
Whispering promise
Her thoughts drifting
Sensing moon's waning
Light cloaked behind
Clouds seeding rain.

There was never a time
When she didn't believe
When she did not mind
Life's haunting reprieve.

Her darkness whispered
Solitude shouldering no
Blame or censure
Her heart consenting
Never forgetting taking
Those final steps
Against change into
A light without promise.

Edwin James

Monday 16 January 2017

Thoughts Rushing

Moving past fatal attractions
Bridges too far, closed
Winter's face eroding, siphons
Memories curtailed, disposed

Darkness looming in her heart
Seeking refuge behind shadows
Remaining afloat, moving apart
Tossing aside mind-castles

Never wanting, caring not
Perhaps misjudged, not knowing
Appearing not so distraught
Misguided intentions, far reaching

Mind's quiver fading, unimpressed
Heart's thunder not to be outdone
No longer feeling quite obsessed
While lurking memories hearken.

Edwin James