Wondering Prose©


Saturday 31 May 2014

Lost in Flight

An acquainted falcon
Landed on my
Peeling gate post
A timeless friend
Sharing the day's
Parting sunlight
Our eyes collide
Breathing in light's
Fading breathe

Thoughts give way
Memories pressed
Secrets shared this
Merlin of prey
Knows me well
Sheltering my mind
Against night's haunt
An unheeded wind
Carries in the dark

Sharing lost journeys
Fermenting in denial
Grounded in time
Feathered in flight
Gaming warriors
Once battling self
No longer sought
Nor preying on
Hope's promise

In growing shadows
We recognize true
The light of faith
Cannot visualize
Destiny's fate
Only changing winds
Under forgotten wings
Uplifting our longing
To yes fly once again.

Edwin James


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