Wondering Prose©


Monday 28 July 2014

A Sudden Burst

Of cold air
Raising the hairs
On on the back of my neck
Goose bumps run down
My tingling arms 
An orb appears drifting
Across my bedroom wall
Unannounced unexpected 
Casting a shift-changing
Eerie dark shadow
Blocking my window's
Flickering moon-lit sky
Could be a departed
Loving family member or
An old dear friend
I once knew, loved
Just checking in 
Saying hello, goodbye
Remembering, missing
Our time shared
Warning me of danger
Still protecting me

Is it a lost soul
Haunted trapped 
By spirit's gravity
Unable to crossover 
Its consciousness
To forget, forgive
Wanting to be more
Than just a memory.

Edwin James


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