Wondering Prose©


Monday 17 November 2014


Was more than just a puppy
His new owner told me
He was now her best friend
Finally setting her free
From a heart-broken loneliness
Able to once again see
And feel, losing all doubt
Getting back a reason to believe
Cherishing her good fortune
Filling her heart with glee
Her fate no longer impervious
   Her eyes becoming watery, teary
She gives thanks to God
Then looks curiously at me

Why were you so willing to give
Your dog away to this old Nannie 
He is so playful and full of life
Yes indeed, looking away from Savvy
I have faraway studies I must keep
Where he cannot accompany me
He needs someone to be there for him
Loving, protecting without infamy
He deserves a full-time care giver
Always there, never having to worry
And not left behind in a SPCA cell
Not knowing who will unlock his key

Savvy in time will get over and forget me
Left forever in my heart's memory. 

Edwin James



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