Wondering Prose©


Wednesday 17 December 2014

The Day Begins

Like any other day
She whispered
Looking for answers
Hidden in shadows
Cast by doubt
Running from pain
Tempered in fear
Walking in a daze
Caring not for self
An agenda lost
Over mind wagers
Betting against dreams
A portal seemingly shut
Walking once again
Alone and naked
Wondering why her life
Seemed no longer
To matter or worth being
A chill ran up her neck
Remembering her father's
Promising words
Always persuasive, caring
Releasing her despair
She closes her eyes
And knows what to do
Remembering her father's
Validating words

You are my guiding light
Stay strong with all your might
Never abandon your heart
Your will knows how to restart
Move forward and only bare
That what comes from prayer.

Edwin James




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