Wondering Prose©


Wednesday 24 December 2014

 An Un-rapping Christmas Song

Writing this crap is way to...easy
Though it is making my mind...dizzy
This old timer is feeling...queasy
Hey buddy, I'ma feeling kinda...crappy
Must be the pills I put in my...coffee

Think it is time to take a..nap
This rap is turning into a...deathtrap
Having beat the living...crap
To lyrics that should be in...rehab
Ya no, ya no they're soundin' so...bad

How could I have been so...naive
On this snowy Christmas...eve .

Tis the season bro
To blow and blow
Inhaling that snow
Up your nose
Feeling pretty blah
Ah ha, ah ha
Tis the season hoe
To blow and blow
Inhaling that snow
Up your nose
Ho ho, uh...hell no.

Edwin James


Tuesday 23 December 2014

Christmas Time
Cheerful thoughts
Gifts carefully
In warmth
A tree
In promise
Only hope
The season
Loving family
Long ago.

Edwin James


Wednesday 17 December 2014

The Day Begins

Like any other day
She whispered
Looking for answers
Hidden in shadows
Cast by doubt
Running from pain
Tempered in fear
Walking in a daze
Caring not for self
An agenda lost
Over mind wagers
Betting against dreams
A portal seemingly shut
Walking once again
Alone and naked
Wondering why her life
Seemed no longer
To matter or worth being
A chill ran up her neck
Remembering her father's
Promising words
Always persuasive, caring
Releasing her despair
She closes her eyes
And knows what to do
Remembering her father's
Validating words

You are my guiding light
Stay strong with all your might
Never abandon your heart
Your will knows how to restart
Move forward and only bare
That what comes from prayer.

Edwin James




Wednesday 3 December 2014

Her Light

Cast no suspicion
Or rebellious shadows
Defying cravings harkened
By jealousy and hate

Her soul aware, mindful
Willing and forgiving
Never doubting or
Relinquishing her promise

Never letting go
Of her dignity's resolve
Unwavering, releasing
Shoulders frantic weight

Facing inward, unafraid
Trusting her inner-self
Radiating hope, sharing
Her contagious light.

Edwin James




Monday 24 November 2014


No longer
By fear's
To hide
Murky shadows
Even egos

Now standing
Wind's prowess
To be
Never again
Winds breath
On ground
Beneath my

Ready to
That what
Have never
So long

Edwin James


Friday 21 November 2014

The Love
She carried was like
A blossom in full bloom
Pure of heart, her psych
Overt, never to assume
Or judge one's faith
Seemingly always patient
Her friends of many interfaith
Her character calm, vibrant
Her spirit light, soaring
Willing to forgive and forget
Mindfully free never fearing
Her demeanor never a threat
Giving light to needed shadows
Shrinking hungry egos.
Edwin James


Monday 17 November 2014


Was more than just a puppy
His new owner told me
He was now her best friend
Finally setting her free
From a heart-broken loneliness
Able to once again see
And feel, losing all doubt
Getting back a reason to believe
Cherishing her good fortune
Filling her heart with glee
Her fate no longer impervious
   Her eyes becoming watery, teary
She gives thanks to God
Then looks curiously at me

Why were you so willing to give
Your dog away to this old Nannie 
He is so playful and full of life
Yes indeed, looking away from Savvy
I have faraway studies I must keep
Where he cannot accompany me
He needs someone to be there for him
Loving, protecting without infamy
He deserves a full-time care giver
Always there, never having to worry
And not left behind in a SPCA cell
Not knowing who will unlock his key

Savvy in time will get over and forget me
Left forever in my heart's memory. 

Edwin James



Thursday 13 November 2014

I Can Feel

The wind tempting
My every move
Challenging my
Breath's will

Albeit a long
Day coming
To a close but
Not to an end

Shadows drift
Beneath and in
Front, clouding
Unfulfilled dreams

A wind heeded
In whispering
Undertones, haunting
Each step I take

While cowering
Shadows welcome
Wind's hovering

I tunnel inward
Eluding winds vice
Leaving behind
 Sinking shadows.

Edwin James

Monday 10 November 2014

Could Life Be

Nothing more than
A spark in time
Inhaling its wonder and
Promise, entranced
By physical abilities
And mindfulness
Able to love, care
Nourish and protect
While battling egos
Succumbing to fate's
Will and blinding light

Spinning us into wars
Fornicating religious will
Able to kill and starve
Those wanting nothing
More than a chance to
Live in a world without
Hate, glut, ego or fear 
Enjoying a lifetime
Cherished, merciful
A life sung for just
One spark in time.

Edwin James


Saturday 8 November 2014

A Smile

Across his 
Unable to
Back his
His life
Of promise
Wanting more
Sharing his
With others
Forgetting his
Packing a
Full of
Asking for
In return
With life
In an
In himself.

Edwin James



Thursday 6 November 2014


Falling from above
Tormenting, seething
Snaking between
Dreams carved by 
Hope's Promise

Now, nowhere 
To be found
Fearless shadows
Smothering what is
Left of hope's light

Her dreams world
A formidable haunt
Abandoned, alone
Unable to wake, see

Blinded by a faith
Shrouded in rapture
A withering ego 
Not of the heart
Shamefully spent.

Edwin James


Monday 3 November 2014

A Fly

On the wall
Looking so small

Sensing my presence
A formidable menace
I must truly be
Utterly ghastly
A nearing threat
Already set
To fly away
A tantalizing prey
Well within reach
Daring my outreach

Anticipating every move
Any changing groove
Or whispering crosswind
Will send him downwind
Wanting to be left alone
And free to roam.

Edwin James


Wednesday 29 October 2014

A Warrior's Spirit

Washed ashore
A life on parole
Skewed in thoughts
Lost in bouts
Brewing over time
No longer sublime
A struggling soul
No longer whole
Left for dead
A resolve misled
Landing on a shore
Not really sure
How to face
Agony's disgrace.

Edwin James


Friday 24 October 2014

In memory of John Lennon 
Goo Goo Ga-joob

Escaping, running naked
Gleefully transparent
Mind altering, amplified
Mind addictions streaming
Mind control overwhelming

Flying over 8 miles high
Inhaling numbing potions
 Willfully melding perceptions
Departing in a Magic Bus
Realities turning inside out

Feelings mushrooming
Tricking reason's destiny
Gravity wavering, lifting
Intuition's soul rising
Eyes questioning

Eight days a week
Goo, goo

Edwin James


Wednesday 8 October 2014

A Different Voice

Sounding appealingly
Resonate, stirring
Deep within his
Wavering mind
Esoteric in nature
His present reality
Unprepared, vulnerable
Left exposed as a
Heretic drowning,
Sinking in his reality's
Ineptness, unable to
Turn off this
Enslaving, soothing voice
So inviting, so tempting
So indicative, able to
Levitate him on a course

That was never his or
Wanted, a charismatic voice
Challenging his existence
Sounding victory.

Edwin James


Monday 6 October 2014


Never fully at ease
Postulated by time
Unable to please
No longer in her prime
She stares through lenses
Smeared by fate's hand

Her heart bleeding ashes
Not able to understand
Clutching onto a life
Only imagined in dreams
Believing she was a good wife
Led by deceiving daydreams

Cut-off from reality
In angst she cries out
Contorting an inept plea
Left haunted in doubt
Unable to care no more
Morphing into darkness.

Edwin James



Friday 3 October 2014

His Mind

Left hanging
By thoughts 
Buried within
Nagging dreams 
Unmasked by 
Shadows impervious

Just another night
Like always, unnerving
Lost in darkness
Unable to separate
Reality from Dream
Everything remains the

Edwin James


Wednesday 1 October 2014


Meant for another day
Murmuring, creating chaos
Where none existed
Wary he tries clearing
If only temporarily
Inching away from the
Clamoring, ranting abuse
Controlling his judgement

Uninvited sound bites
Ump, abduct his intent
Curving his readiness
Curtailing his reach for
Semblance and insight
Sensing a way out he
Eludes back to the present
Excluding all other voices.

Edwin James


Monday 29 September 2014

Clearing Skies

Creep into her mind
Clouded in disdain and
Hopelessness, as light
Begins permeating, breaking
Apart her darkened 
Thoughts consumed by
Shadows foul playfulness
Unaware at the time of
Its intended misdirection

She allows her mind
To open, it has been a
Long time, having followed
For so, so long down
Ego's illusive alleyways
Standing naked, alone
Locked in a key-less
Harrowing darkness left
To forever bleed

She inhales the light
And escapes.

Edwin James



Friday 26 September 2014

An Early Winter Storm

Rages unabated
Trumpeted by relentless,
Prodding northern winds
Unforgiving, impervious
To the damage, havoc
And harm it will

Mother Nature's callous
Greek daughter Morea cares
Not about her Mother's fruition's
And begins thrusting heavy
Wet blowing snow onto the
Backs of helpless tree limbs

A heartless daughter
Unsatisfied, exhales her
Frozen lungs over roads
And walkways  leaving behind
Chaos and death, a rebellious
Spiteful sibling having no

Edwin James


Monday 22 September 2014

Morning Light

Full of promise
No contempt
Unaware of the
Dream or
Offering only
A morning's
Disdaining any
Over what may
In the after
Of mornings
Burning compass.

Edwin James



Friday 5 September 2014

I Have Felt The World Burning

In the creases of my palm
My fists having turned callous
Fingers tingling no longer calm
Afraid, unnerved, cautious

A reality turned begging
Suspended by eternity's
Light, hovering, arching
Against all enemies

Harbouring no fears
Or contempt for mankind
Drenched in a world full of tears
Hungry, out of focus, blind

Seemingly lost by gods
Offering promise and hope
Contradicting, always at odds
A slithering unyielding tightrope

Suspended without a safety net
Egging on our souls purpose
Rinsing away our guilt and debt
Always there illuminating, animus .

Edwin James
